Jason S. Acosta Espinosa

My name is Jason Acosta Espinosa, and I'm a '24 from Revere, Massachusetts. I am double majoring in Computer Science and Politics, Philosophy, Economics with a minor in International Studies. On campus, I am actively involved with and hold leadership roles in the Dartmouth Minority Pre-law Association, Student Assembly, Dartmouth LatinX & Caribbean Council, Dartmouth Law Journal, Dartmouth Political Union, and The Dartmouth newspaper. My research interests draw upon the intersection of ethical/political concerns and technological development, particularly how a technological future could accommodate legal rights and processes under increasing pressure of decentralization via cryptocurrency and virtual worlds. I am most excited to discuss the language and ideology that is drawn upon in case disagreements, especially as it applies to ongoing cases of abortion rights, religious freedom, and technology. In my free time, I enjoy canoeing in the Connecticut River, catching up on TV shows that my friends swear are the next big thing, and playing card games with my friends.
