Devontae Lacasse

Devontae Lacasse is a '24 from River Oaks, Texas majoring in Quantitative Social Science and minoring in Public Policy and African and African American Studies. An avid saxophonist, he plays for multiple HOP ensembles and the student band Exit 13. Devontae is also a member of Palaeopitus, the intern for the Office of the President, and a Tour Guide for the Admissions Office. As a First-Year Fellow, Devontae interned at the YMCA, working on multiple youth-focused civics initiatives. Additionally, Devontae has interned at Lawyers for Civil Rights, the Council for International Educational Exchange, and the Supreme Court of NH. In his spare time, he loves watching football and competing with his friends in football fantasy leagues, reading dystopian novels, and watching Eurovision.


HB 6016